CLC Preschool

Learn more below

Learning Immersed In Language

Our program is grounded in principles of child development and learning and is centered on the various needs, interests, and learning styles of children.
The curriculum followed at CLC pre-school incorporates the attainment targets set out by various International Anglophone Curricula and Montessori educational directives in order to ensure that when your child eventually leaves us to enter another school, he/she will have reached the appropriate level of achievement.

The curriculum subjects are: English, Maths, Science, French, Spanish, Drama, Geography, Music, Art, Sensorial, Practical Life and Physical Education. Many of the curriculum subjects will be taught through topic work so that the separate subjects may be easily distinguished.

It is very important that our students, from a very young age, have the possibility to be part of lots of creative work. This will enhance positive self-image, a sense of self-worth and self-direction and will be achieved through play and directed activities that will contribute to the needs of the child in all areas of development – socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. Also to help promote the understanding that process is more important than product.

Our school includes part of our curriculum being carried out in French and Spanish. Dedicated to developing early learning skills, CLC pre-school promotes pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-maths activities in pre-school.

The structured learning of English, French and Spanish, with mother-tongue language teachers, is based on oral communication through song, theatre, fun games and art at this stage in your child’s learning process of different languages.

Download the CLC Preschool Handbook here


Meet our Staff


Our Mission at CLC Preschool

CLC is a non-denominational school where all cultures are equally welcomed and celebrated.  Our main objective is to make the children feel at home in our school and anywhere they go.

Our pre-school classrooms are an extension from home, where your child will feel at ease to explore, share and learn from and with others.


After School Activites



Children will work on 4 artists per term. It is a way to get exposed to contemporary art and different media from an early age.

Aunty Luna, from France , exposes children to the sound of French language as well as the Francophone culture. Children learn basic concepts as shapes, numbers, colors, home environment, school environment…but also learn how to make full sentences in FRENCH and follow instructions while playing.. Aunty Luna immerses children by speaking strictly FRENCH in her class.

Aunty Mery, from Peru , exposes children to the sound of Spanish language as well as the South American culture. Children learn basic concepts as shapes, numbers, colors, home environment, school environment…but also learn how to make full sentences in Spanish and follow instructions while playing.. Aunty Mery immerses children by speaking stricly SPANISH in her class.

Children can utilize different instruments, acquire rythm and learn about Music from different countries.
M’Bala, a Jamaican artist, comes every other week with his shakers, maracas, and percussions.
Aunty Shavanese is in charge of the music club.

 Uncle Jason is in charge of the football club. The aim of this football club is to reinforce concepts of  feet and eyes coordination.

Cari Dias, a Ballet teacher trained in Cuba offers Ballet classes on Fridays from 1 to 1.30.